WW #010: Adults acting like children

Weekly WINGS Wisdom and Inspiration Nurturing Growth and Success Toddlers are well-known for their “terrible twos” behaviors and intense emotional meltdowns… which we all know are a natural part of their development. When there are ACEs and trauma involved, these Continue reading WW #010: Adults acting like children

WW #007: Nothing is working. What do I do now?

Weekly WINGS Wisdom and Inspiration Nurturing Growth and Success Frustrated parents and teachers often come to me with this question, especially during the last month of the school year. “I’ve tried everything, and I am at the end of my rope! Nothing is working. Continue reading WW #007: Nothing is working. What do I do now?

WW #004: What’s your story?

Weekly WINGS Wisdom and Inspiration Nurturing Growth and Success The Power of Hope One of the most challenging things about parenting (and teaching) is creating and keeping a hopeful vision of a good future – both for our children, and for ourselves. It can Continue reading WW #004: What’s your story?

WW #003: You’ve got something on your face…

Weekly WINGS Wisdom and Inspiration Nurturing Growth and Success Visual Langauge Many of you know that my son Hiro is profoundly deaf and for this reason, we use American Sign Language (ASL) in our home. ASL a vibrant and complex Continue reading WW #003: You’ve got something on your face…

WW #001: Growth Doesn’t Come from a Mindset

Weekly WINGS Wisdom and Inspiration Nurturing Growth and Success Studies from over 30 years ago on growth mindset and fixed mindset by Carol Dweck and others gave compelling data to back up the famous Henry Ford quote, “Whether you think Continue reading WW #001: Growth Doesn’t Come from a Mindset