Heart-Strong Power

The Spring Cohort starts on Thursday, April 18th
Here is a detailed video from our first Winter Cohort!

40 Days | Online Community Experience | Starts April 18, 2024

Parents, Teachers, Leaders, Healing Practitioners, and Entrepreneurs:

Join us for an experience to lift your heart, launch your dreams, love your life, and leave a meaningful legacy of compassionate leadership.

Join us for Heart-Strong Power!

Heart-Strong Power is a 40-Day soul journey to ignite and accelerate your inner growth, healing, and transformation.

Become the empowered and empowering heart-centered leader
the world needs right now.

This is for you if you want to…

Why Heart-Strong Power?

🌟 feel more connected to your heart and spirit, in ways that nurture you, bring more joy, and expand your capacity for growth and success

🌟 bask in the warm radiance of co-regulation in a group of like-hearted, compassionate souls

🌟 transform your burn-out, overwhelm, and stress to feeling more grounded, inspired, and aligned with your deepest values

🌟 nurture and heal your nervous system with practical, easy-to-use practices and regulating power tools and practices.

🌟 feel deeply connected to your inner source of wisdom and your spiritual source of Divine support, so you can easily make decisions with calm confidence

🌟 become an inspired and inspiring leader whose radiant impact is a force for good in the world… in your home, school, organization, business, or community

🌟 anchor your mental and emotional well-being with roots and resources to support you, no matter what storms of life may come

🌟 step into your full creative power to delight and inspire yourself and others with your ideas, projects, and unique creations

🌟 transform your identity to the best and highest expression of your potential, and claim a bold vision for your Life Purpose and Soul Work

🌟 have fun in community and enjoy a sense of belonging, while becoming the best version of yourself

As a coach and trainer of coaches and trainers, I have been working with parents, teachers, and compassionate leaders for many years.

I’ve noticed that even with the best parenting, teaching, and leadership strategies, they often have difficulty staying grounded, regulated, and joyful.

So many are discouraged, overwhelmed, and depleted, and it’s time to change that!

As a result of my own struggles with anxiety and overwhelm during years of crisis in my own family, I did a deep dive into healing practices, personal development, spiritual and transformational studies, both for myself and also to become a better, more powerfully present parent, coach, and leader.

What’s Included?

This program includes all that I have learned and used for my own journey of healing and transformation. I’m so excited to share all of this with you inside a supportive community!

In Heart-Strong Power, you will…

πŸ’œ Create a beautiful daily morning ritual that delights and inspires you.

πŸ’œ Re-connect to (or create new) spiritual practices that resonate with your values.

πŸ’œ Use inner powerful practices to ground your nervous system.

πŸ’œ Strengthen your mind, body, heart, and soul with self-compassion.

πŸ’œ Discover and awaken your potential for joy and laughter again.

πŸ’œ Receive support, encouragement, and nurturing co-regulation.

πŸ’œ Learn systems and strategies for productivity without burn-out

πŸ’œ Create an annual FLIGHT Plan and quarterly Power Projects

πŸ’œ Be encouraged, uplifted, and inspired with your own Power Pod

πŸ’œ Enjoy each others’ company and chat in specialty group cohorts

πŸ’œ Finally get momentum on all those heart projects you want to do!

✨ Seven live Zoom meetings for inspiration and celebration (recordings available on days you can’t join us live).

✨ Optional small group meetings for a deeper experience of support

✨ Daily encouragement in the Heart-Strong Community Circle

✨ Resources, handouts, and instructional videos in the learning library.

✨ Attend when you can – recordings will be made available!


Program Materials: Any time you have time, 24/7!

We have designed the program to make it super easy for you to access everything whenever it’s convenient for you. Think of it as a library of resources and tools to help you get and stay connected to your Heart-Strong Power.

Live Zoom Calls: (OPTIONAL for those who like to meet live)
Thursdays from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern US/Can) on these dates:

April 18, 25
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Optional Power Pods or Power Partners: Weekly small group meetings, at a time that is convenient for your group.

Community Threads and Videos: Whenever you have time to pop into the community! The community is NOT on Facebook. We will be using a dedicated app called “HeartBeat” for our community activities and discussions.


One time payment $333

πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ πŸ’œ

Register for the Heart-Strong Community Circle separately
to participate in all the community activities!

After your free two-month bonus membership,
you will be charged $37/month to continue your community membership.

This will allow you to participate in ongoing monthly Community Circles and other activities and also to maintain access to the resource/video library.

Payment Plan: 3 Monthly Payments of $123

Register now, and get 45 days of the
Heart-Strong Community Circle included, at no extra cost!
(offer ends soon)


I am super busy and have a lot on my plate right now – I’m not sure I can make the commitment to do the whole program in 40 days. Is that ok?

Yes, absolutely! The program is designed for you to do as much as you’d like, at your own pace. You’ll have access for as long as you need it, so no need to rush!

Also, the community aspect of the program will be in an app (not on Facebook) so that you can hop in and out whenever you have a free moment. You will be able to read and post on various threads for support and encouragement, at any time, day or night.

Videos of Power Tools and other informational videos will be very short and simple so that you can watch and practice whenever you’d like.

Attendance at the live Zoom sessions is also optional, as there will be recordings of each session.

What happens if I miss a live Zoom call?
No problem! We will record the live calls and you will be able to access them in the library of trainings.

Is this mental health therapy?
This is a coaching and training program with a community component. We cannot diagnose and treat any medical or clinical condition. However, you will most likely find that some of the practices and teachings will be supportive of your overall well-being, including your mental health and emotional regulation.

Will you be teaching religious practices?
There will be mind-body somatic practices and meditation practices, as well as deeply transformative coaching. We will not be teaching anything connected to a specific religious tradition, and you are welcome to use the practices tools in ways that complement your own faith practices. People of all faiths and spiritual beliefs are welcome, as well as those who are not actively participating in any religious practice or community. For this reason, it’s very important for you to come with a spirit of unity and openness to a spiritually and culturally diverse community.

Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?
Absolutely! We welcome people of all backgrounds, including sexual orientations, gender identity and expression.

I have a disability or learning difference – can you provide accommodations?
Please reach out to us in advance to let us know what you need, and we will do our best to make the experience accessible for you! Contact Support@WingBuidler.com.

Are there Scholarships?
Scholarships are not available at this time. However, we do offer a payment plan for those who need one.

Are there Returns/Refunds?
Because our programs are digital and online, we cannot offer a refund. Please be sure that you are committed to joining the program before registration.

I look forward to seeing you there!

About Sandi:

Sandi Lerman, MA Ed, (she/her) is the proud Mama Bear of a young adult who was adopted at age 10. She is founder of HEART-STRONG International (HSI), providing coaching, training, and certification programs to support growth, healing, and transformation in both children and adults.

Sandi brings her optimism and creativity to her work as a parent, teacher, and transformational coach and trainer. She knows from experience that even the worst situation can be transformed with the right mind-body-heart-soul alignment and commitment to building loving, connected relationships fueled by Heart-Strong Powerβ„’.

An educator with 25 years of classroom teaching experience in K-12 and adult education settings, Sandi is a life-long learner! She has professional credentials in English language arts, English as a Second Language/ESOL, foreign language, and interpreting. She is a certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor and QPR Suicide Prevention Instructor.

Sandi has comprehensive training in holistic growth, healing, and transformation, including certification programs in Mind-Body Therapy, Somatic Regulation Practices, Root Cause Therapy, and Joy Potential Coaching.

Sandi has been an educational leader in a variety of schools and organizations and has coordinated K-12 and adult language and literacy programs, as well as statewide parent education and support programs. She has also taught in an online MA Ed. program in Trauma and Resilience in the School Settings. She completed her Meditation and Transformational Teacher Certification with the Dream Bigger Foundation.

Sandi is trilingual (English, Spanish, and American Sign Language), and started her career as a teacher working in Scotland and Mexico. She loves building bridges of understanding and unity between people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives.

Want to check out the community first?

If you’re not quite ready for Heart-Strong Power but would like to join the Heart-Strong Community Circle now to be in a community of like-minded, heart-centered changemakers, click here for more information about the Heart-Strong Community Circle membership!